The Crepe Myrtle ‘Sioux’ Finally Bloomed

The pink ‘Indian Summer’ Crepe Myrtle (lagerstroemia indica) ‘Sioux’ was the very first thing we planted when we moved into our forever home three years ago. Crepe Myrtles are amongst my very favourite trees, and I wanted it to be one of the first things I saw whenever I turnedĀ into the driveway. Continue reading

Introducing The Planted Beds- Bed 1

Flower Carpet 'Appleblossom'- a new addition to the garden

Flower Carpet ‘Appleblossom’- a new addition to the garden

Following on from my last landscaping update, we planted out the garden beds in the last week of Spring (November 2013). The beds had previously been covered in white landscaping pebbles and weedmat, and the soil required some rehabilitation after the rocks were removed. We broke up the compressed soil with a pick and mixed in some lovely new organic garden soil. A few weeks ago I came across a worm while digging in the soil- a promising sign. Continue reading

The Pebbles Are Gone!

If I weren’t so exhausted, I’d do a little happy dance. The great pebble blight is over!

Around 6 cubic metres of pebbles were removed and given away. We then looked at the weather forecast and picked a day where rain wasn’t predicted, and ordered 4 tonnes of certified organic garden soil to be delivered. The beds needed to be turned over and topped up after 17 years of compression and suffocation by weed mat and rocks. Even after 2 months of the soil being exposed, in Spring, not a single weed had moved into the poor quality soil! Continue reading

The Queen Elizabeth Rose

I have quite a few ‘favourites’ in the garden, but top of them all are roses. The first rose I ever grew was the grandiflora rose “Queen Elizabeth”, which was given to me by a dear friend to start my garden at the old house. I was quite sad to leave her behind when we moved (the rose, not the friend). Here are some pictures of the Queen Elizabeth flowers taken at the previous house:

Queen Elizabeth blooms in a vase

Queen Elizabeth blooms in a vase

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