The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia – Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of my visit to the National Rose Trial Garden in Adelaide, South Australia. You can view Part 1 here.

I actually didn’t take note of the names of many of the roses I photographed, but I don’t think they’d be very hard to track down if any caught your eye in particular. And of course many were just numbered, as they were the 2013 entrants in the trial. Continue reading

The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia – Part 1

It’s no secret that I’m a lover of roses, and I have long wanted to visit the National Rose Trial Garden in Adelaide, South Australia. This garden is where new-release roses to the Australian market are voluntarily and anonymously tested in our unique conditions for one year, and the top performers are awarded medals, trophies and certificates. Continue reading

The Queen Elizabeth Rose

I have quite a few ‘favourites’ in the garden, but top of them all are roses. The first rose I ever grew was the grandiflora rose “Queen Elizabeth”, which was given to me by a dear friend to start my garden at the old house. I was quite sad to leave her behind when we moved (the rose, not the friend). Here are some pictures of the Queen Elizabeth flowers taken at the previous house:

Queen Elizabeth blooms in a vase

Queen Elizabeth blooms in a vase

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